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Consensus statements for the region and sub-regions

In a collaborative endeavor involving discussions and exchanges with country experts of a target sub-region, the African RCC produces Consensus Long Range Forecasts during the so-called Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs). RCC forecasts products assessments from climate service provider and end-users perspectives are published.

PRESAO: Seasonal Climate Outlook Bulletin in West Africa, Chad AND Cameroon

PRESAC: Seasonal Climate Outlook Bulletin in Centrale Africa

MEDCOF: Seasonal Climate Outlook Bulletin in North Africa

SWIOCOF: Statement from the Second South West Indian Ocean Regional Climate Outlook

PRESAGG: Seasonal Climate Outlook bulletin over the Gulf of Guinea contries of Africa

PRESASS: Seasonal Climate Outlook Bulletin Over the Soudano-Sahelian Region of Africa

SARCOF: Statement from the twenty-sixth virtual southern africa regional climate outlook forum

ACCOF : African Continental Climate Outlook Forum