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Climate Monitoring

The African RCC monitors the present state of ocean-land-atmosphere system using different parameters including temperature, precipitation, circulation and convection over Africa and the globe. These parameters are direct measurements from in-situ and satellite observations or derived products from data assimilation systems called analyses or reanalyses. These monitoring products are useful inputs to understanding of and improved knowledge of the past and present-day climate including trends and extremes. There are the basis for climate research and operational Long Range Forecasting. Noting the necessity for homogeneous and consistent datasets for reliable climate monitoring, the African RCC relies on Global analyses and reanalyzes of global Centres.

Climate Monitoring Function
Activities Products
Climate diagnostics and assessment
Annual state of the climate report (ACMAD)
Annual state of the climate report (WMO/BAMS), Africa section
Annual state of the climate report (WMO/FR), Africa section
Monthly climate diagnostic bulletin
10 days and S2S products, 10 days climate diagnostics bulletin(pdf), Dekadal Technical Note(pdf)
Rainfall onset forecast, Season onset monitoring,
Precipitation, temperature , anomalies climate indices maps, time series graphs with trends
Cummulated precipitation distribution time series
Probability of exceedance for seasonal total precipitation for different thresholds and seasons series (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 mm)
Establishment of reference climatiques Precipitation and temperature reference climatologies for 31_60,61-90 averages for 71-00, 81-10
Climate assessment and datasets climatologies for precipitation, temperature, significant anomalies and indices based on station data
Implementation of a regional climate watch Climate information and advisories focus on significant anomalies and extremes
links with cryosphere Climate Services in RCC and links with cryosphere
Climate Monitoring Countries
1 - Burundi 2 - Cameroon
3 - Niger 4 - Madagascar
5 - Guinea 6 - Africa
7 - 2020 8 - 2021
9 - ensemble5 10 - Next item