55, Avenue des ministeres PL6 BP: 13 184 Niamey - Niger Tel: +227 20 73 49 92
Fax: 2272072327
Site web: www.acmad.org
The World Meteorological Organization has established a three-tiered approach for seasonal climate prediction with Global, Regional and National institutions supporting production and delivery of climate outlooks. In Africa, continental, regional and national climate centres are operating leading to the need for harmonization, consistency in processes and products as well as coordination among stakeholders.
The African Centre for Meteorological Applications and Development (ACMAD) as a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Regional Climate Centre (RCC) for Africa in partnership with African Union Commission (AUC) and partners organizes the Africa Continental Climate Outlook Forum (ACCOF) currently on a monthly basis as part of its Regional Climate Centre (RCC)’s coordination function for africa. This action seeks to build capacity on latest climate forecasting science and technology, harmonize climate outlook generation and delivery methods tools, products and ensure consistency in climate outlook statements delivered across the continent.
Objectives of the forum
The ACCOF aims at supporting quick application of latest advances in climate science and technology for tailored climate services delivery and improving coordination and contribution of African RCCs and NMHSs for sustainable development of Africa.
The specific objectives of the ACCOF are to: